The truth about lockdown and my mental health

Since lock down begun I have felt as sense of unknowing, confusion and the feeling of this being normal for me in a way. P lease stick with me till the end of this huge essay. Before lock down Id stay home a lot if I wasn't working especially when I was working part time before hand. Working in the nursery with children of key workers whilst the beginning of lock down grew nearer it felt like we were in our own little bubble where there was no pandemic. It was nice for me to be surrounded by this. I finally found my dream job after 5 years of working a retail job and I never want to leave. I'm home! Going from working 9 hours a day 5 days a week with children, going on dates with my then boyfriend, shopping in town to then being home pretty much 24/7 (except when we needed essentials) was very weird, tough but weirdly familiar. I felt a sense of panic as i had only just started my new job, just finished a round of counselling for my anxiety, been broken up wit...